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Country Portugal
Institution University of Beira Interior
Department Department of Textile Science and Technology
Address Rua Marquês D`Ávila e Bolama, Nº1, 6200-001, Covilhã, Portugal

University of Beira Interior

Created in 1986 the University of Beira Interior (UBI –PIC 996437254) is a collective person of public law endowed with statutory, pedagogical, scientific, cultural, administrative, financial, assets, and disciplinary autonomy. UBI is in the city of Covilhã, in the eastern part of the country´s center region. The present schools include Sciences, Engineering, Social and Human Sciences, Arts and Letters, and Health Sciences. Teaching is delivered to more than 7500 undergraduate and postgraduate students according to the three-cycle Bologna structure and student-centred pedagogy.
Our research unit - Fibre Materials and Environmental Technologies (FibEnTech) came up from the interaction between the former Textile and Paper Materials unit (MTP) and other research groups, from UBI and other Portuguese institutions. The research unit also includes researchers from Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Management and Computer sciences.

The aim of the study programmes, in undergraduate and graduate studies, is to:
Qualify a new generation of professionals and researchers in fashion design and textile engineering, with a focus on product innovation, market, and branding.
Promote teaching/learning of inter-and transdisciplinary nature, involving scientific areas related to materials, processes, and technologies, focused on activities that generate and promote innovation with high added value. 

Develop fundamental and applied research, within projects of the R&D Units associated with the course, capitalizing on existing research in design, engineering, technology, marketing, and materials.

To fulfil the needs of highly skilled staff for the textile and apparel industries to enhance their competitiveness.

Promote internationalization and connection to the community by partnering with academic and corporate institutions, domestic or foreign, to enhance and disseminate textile knowledge.

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