Annual Meetings
Two meetings per year are organized: AUTEX has shown to benefit from an optimal mutual understanding between its members. The 6-monthly meetings play a key role in discussing achievements, optimizing cooperation and outlining future strategies.
Masters Programme in Textile Engineering
Textile Masters Programme in Textile Engineering (e-TEAM/WE-TEAM): every semester students move to another region, lecturers come to teach during one week at the host universities. It is a unique concept, offering an unparalleled platform of experienced lecturers and an advanced level of mobility for both students and lecturers. The programme was revised in 2017 and became an ERASMUS JOINT MASTER DEGREE Programme in 2020 (first WE-TEAM editions in September 2021).
Annual Conference
Every year one of the members organizes an AUTEX Conference (since 2001), in which hundreds of researchers and companies participate. The network wants to enhance the breakthrough of cutting edge fields such as nanotechnology, the circular economy, digital technologies, and so on, not only amongst its members, but also in industry.
Electronic Journal
The aim of the electronic journal is to play a leading role in distributing scientific and technological research results by publishing original and innovative papers. The project became a success thanks to the efforts made by Lodz University of Technology, Poland. The Journal is recognized by Thomson Reuters Web of Science as an a1-journal ( AUTEX Research Journal.
Funding opportunities
Responsive to EU funding opportunities.